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Waste Reduction Strategies

Environmental Benefits of Proper Waste Disposal

Environmental Benefits of Proper Waste Disposal

Using the right ways to handle waste has many benefits for our planet. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management, or IDEM, says following the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – helps save resources and makes less trash. Doing this protects our surroundings, cuts costs on waste disposal, and reduces the chance of pollution. Turning

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Waste Management FAQs

Waste Management FAQs: Your Recycling Queries Answered

Did you know Fort Lauderdale boosted recycling rates with a simple plan? The city introduced a single-stream recycling program known as Mix it. Curb it. This initiative lets people mix all clean recyclables in one bin. No sorting needed. Since kicking off in 2012, Mix it. Curb it. has simplified recycling for everyone. It’s now

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Waste Management Tips

Efficient Waste Management Tips for Eco-Friendly Homes

Did you know recycling one plastic bottle saves enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for six hours? Waste management is vital for protecting our planet and encouraging sustainable living. By using efficient waste tips in eco-friendly homes, you help lessen waste, save resources, and cut down on pollution. Recycling is a key method in

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