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Pro Tips for Keeping Your Drains Clear | Easy Guide

Did you know that clogged drains are responsible for over 50% of all plumbing issues in American households? That’s right. A seemingly small blockage can quickly turn into a major headache, causing sewer backups, water damage, and costly repairs. But fear not, with some simple maintenance and a few handy tricks, you can keep your drains clear and prevent blockages from wreaking havoc in your home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regularly install drain guards in showers and sinks to catch hair and prevent clogs.
  • Be cautious about what goes down your kitchen sink, especially grease and coffee grounds.
  • Only flush “flushable” items down the toilet and avoid sanitary products and baby wipes.
  • Flush your drains with hot water and vinegar to dissolve buildup and prevent clogs.
  • Have your drains professionally cleaned every few years to ensure optimal performance.

Place Drain Guards in Showers and Sinks

To prevent clogs in your drains, it’s important to be proactive. One simple yet effective solution is to place drain guards in your showers and sinks. These small mesh cups act as barriers, catching hair and other debris before they have a chance to go down the drain.

Hair is one of the main culprits of drain clogs, as it easily accumulates and creates blockages. By using a bathtub drain guard or a sink drain guard, you can effectively prevent hair clogs and maintain optimal drain performance.

bathtub drain guard

Drain guards are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. Simply place the guard over the drain opening, ensuring a snug fit. The mesh design allows water to flow freely while trapping hair and other larger particles.

Regularly cleaning the drain guards is important to maintain their effectiveness. To do this, remove the guard from the drain and remove any accumulated debris. Rinse it thoroughly and replace it back in the drain.

By using drain guards in your showers and sinks, you can prevent clogs and avoid the hassle of dealing with slow drains or expensive plumbing repairs.

Be Careful What Goes Down the Kitchen Sink

You should be cautious about what goes down your kitchen sink, especially if you have a garbage disposal. Here are some important considerations to prevent clogs and maintain a healthy kitchen sink:

Avoid Semi-Solid Oils and Grease

When it comes to your kitchen sink, it’s crucial to avoid sending any semi-solid oils or grease down the drain. Liquids like bacon grease can quickly solidify and form a waterproof seal, leading to clogs and potential backups in your plumbing system. Dispose of grease and oils in containers and throw them away in the trash.

Mindful of Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds may seem harmless, but they can accumulate and cause blockages in your kitchen sink. Instead of rinsing them down the drain, dispose of coffee grounds in the trash or use them for compost. This simple step can go a long way in preventing clogs and preserving the longevity of your plumbing system.

Take Care with Fruit Peels

Grinding fruit peels in your garbage disposal is a common practice to freshen up your sink’s odor. However, be cautious of produce stickers that can easily get caught in the disposal mechanism and lead to clogs. Remove any stickers from fruit peels before grinding them to ensure smooth disposal operation.

garbage disposal

By being mindful of what goes down your kitchen sink and following these simple tips, you can prevent clogs, maintain a healthy plumbing system, and avoid unnecessary expenses for plumbing repairs. If you encounter persistent clogs or other plumbing issues, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from trusted services such as Local Plumbers 4 U.

Only Flush “Flushable” Items

When it comes to flushing items down the toilet, it’s essential to be mindful of what you’re sending into the plumbing system. To prevent toilet clogs and avoid serious plumbing issues, it’s important to only flush items that are labeled as “flushable.” Many products, such as baby wipes, sanitary products, and paper towels, may seem harmless to flush, but they can cause significant clogs in your toilet.

Flushing non-flushable items can lead to blockages in the pipes, resulting in backups and potentially costly repairs. While some items may claim to be “flushable,” it’s essential to exercise caution and consider the advice of plumbers and experts in the field.

Here are some common items that are frequently flushed but should never be:

  • Sanitary products (such as tampons and pads)
  • Paper towels and tissues
  • Napkins and disposable wipes
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Dental floss

By only flushing items that are genuinely flushable, you can help prevent toilet clogs and maintain a healthy plumbing system. While it may seem convenient to use the toilet as a disposal for various items, it’s best to dispose of non-flushable items in the trash. This simple change in habit can save you from costly plumbing repairs and potential backups in the future.

Don’t Forget About Baby Wipes!

One common item that can cause significant clogs in toilets is baby wipes. Despite some baby wipes claiming to be “flushable,” many plumbers advise against flushing them. Baby wipes do not break down as quickly as toilet paper and can accumulate in the pipes, leading to blockages and backups.

Instead of flushing baby wipes, it’s recommended to dispose of them in the trash. This small change can make a big difference in preventing toilet clogs and maintaining proper plumbing function in your home.

Remember: Flushable” does not always mean safe to flush!

By being mindful of what you flush down the toilet and avoiding the temptation of using it as a disposal for non-flushable items, you can prevent toilet clogs and maintain a healthy plumbing system.

Flushable ItemsNon-Flushable Items
Toilet paperSanitary products
Water-soluble cleaning wipesPaper towels and tissues
Biodegradable personal wipesNapkins and disposable wipes
Water-soluble infant wipesCotton balls and swabs
Dental floss

Flush Drains Regularly with Hot Water & Vinegar

Keeping your drains clean and clear is essential for maintaining proper plumbing functionality in your home. Regularly flushing your drains with a combination of hot water and vinegar can effectively dissolve buildup and prevent clogs. It’s a simple and inexpensive DIY method that can save you from potential plumbing headaches.

To perform a hot water flush, follow these steps:

  1. Boil a large pot of water.
  2. Slowly pour the hot water down each drain in your home, including sinks, showers, and tubs.
  3. Note: Avoid using boiling water directly on porcelain or ceramic surfaces, as it may cause damage. Instead, let the water cool for a few minutes before pouring it down.

The hot water helps break down any grease or organic matter that may be clinging to the inside of your pipes. However, for a more thorough cleanse, consider adding vinegar to the mix.

Vinegar is an excellent natural cleaning agent that can dissolve mineral buildup and help eliminate odors. Here’s how to perform a vinegar flush:

  1. Mix 1-2 cups of white vinegar with an equal amount of hot water in a jar or bucket.
  2. Note: You can use apple cider vinegar as an alternative, but white vinegar is more commonly available and affordable.
  3. Slowly pour the vinegar-water mixture down each drain, allowing it to reach as far as possible into the pipes.
  4. Let the mixture sit in the pipes for at least 30 minutes to an hour to allow the vinegar’s acidity to break down any buildup.
  5. Finally, flush each drain with hot water again to rinse away any loosened debris.

Performing a hot water and vinegar flush once a month can help keep your drains clean and prevent clogs. It’s especially effective for tackling minor blockages caused by soap scum, grease, and mineral buildup.

Benefits of Flushing Drains with Hot Water & VinegarInstructions
1. Dissolves organic matter and mineral buildup1. Boil a pot of water
2. Eliminates unpleasant odors2. Pour hot water down each drain
3. Prevents clogs3. Mix vinegar and hot water
4. Provides an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution4. Slowly pour vinegar-water mixture down drains
5. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes to an hour
6. Flush drains with hot water

Regular hot water and vinegar flushes are a proactive approach to drain maintenance and can prevent costly plumbing repairs. However, for more stubborn clogs or persistent drainage issues, it’s best to seek professional assistance from trusted plumbers like Local Plumbers 4 U.

Get Slow Drains Professionally Cleaned

While regular maintenance plays a crucial role in preventing clogs, it is equally important to have your drains professionally cleaned every few years. Unlike a simple hot water flush, professional drain cleaning ensures that there are no clog-ready materials or scale buildup in your drains, which can narrow the pipes and affect drain performance.

Professional drain cleaning provides a thorough and effective solution to maintain clear drains. Here are a few reasons why you should consider hiring Local Plumbers 4 U for professional drain cleaning:

  1. Expertise: Local Plumbers 4 U has a team of highly trained and experienced plumbers who specialize in professional drain cleaning. They have the knowledge and skills to identify and address any issues that may contribute to clogs in your drains.
  2. Specialized Tools and Equipment: Professional drain cleaning requires specialized tools and equipment that are not typically found in a household toolbox. Local Plumbers 4 U are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and techniques to effectively remove stubborn clogs and clear your drains.
  3. Preventative Maintenance: Regular professional drain cleaning can help prevent future clogs and maintain optimal drain performance. By removing buildup and potential blockages, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your drains running smoothly.

Don’t wait until you have a major drain blockage to seek professional help. Schedule a professional drain cleaning with Local Plumbers 4 U to keep your drains clear and prevent clogs from disrupting your daily routine.

“Professional drain cleaning ensures that there are no clog-ready materials or scale buildup in your drains, which can narrow the pipes and affect drain performance.”

Benefits of Professional Drain CleaningLocal Plumbers 4 U
Thorough removal of clog-ready materials
Effective clearing of scale buildup
Preventative maintenance for clear drains
Highly trained and experienced plumbers
State-of-the-art tools and equipment

How to Prevent and Clear a Clog

To prevent clogs in your drains and effectively clear them when they occur, there are several steps you can take. By following these plumbing tips, you can maintain your drain’s performance and avoid the hassle of dealing with a clogged drain.

1. Avoid putting grease or oil down your kitchen drain

One common cause of clogged drains is the improper disposal of grease or oil. These substances can solidify and stick to the walls of your pipes, creating blockages over time. To prevent clogs, always dispose of grease and oil in a separate container and discard them in the trash.

2. Install strainers on all drains

A simple way to prevent clogs is to install strainers on all your drains, including in the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and shower. These strainers will catch hair, food particles, and other debris, preventing them from going down the drain and causing blockages. Regularly clean out the strainers to maintain their effectiveness.

3. Be mindful of what goes down the drain

To prevent clogs, be cautious about what you allow to go down your drains. Avoid pouring coffee grounds, eggshells, and other food scraps down the kitchen sink. Dispose of these items in the trash or compost instead. Likewise, dispose of hygiene products, wipes, and other non-flushable items in the garbage to prevent toilet clogs.

4. Start by plunging the drain

If you encounter a clog, a plunger can be a handy tool to clear it. Use a plunger specifically designed for drains, creating a strong seal around the drain opening. Push and pull forcefully to create suction and dislodge the clog. Repeat this process a few times until the water starts to flow freely.

5. Be cautious when using liquid drain cleaners

Liquid drain cleaners can be effective in clearing minor clogs, but they can also cause damage to your pipes if used incorrectly. Follow the instructions carefully and avoid overuse. If the clog persists or you have concerns about using chemical cleaners, it’s best to seek professional help.

If the clog persists or you’re dealing with a more severe blockage, it’s time to call in the professionals. Local Plumbers 4 U, a trusted plumbing service, has the experience and expertise to clear even the toughest clogs and restore your drains to optimal performance.

Prevention TipsClearing Methods
1. Avoid putting grease or oil down the drain1. Start by plunging the drain
2. Install strainers on all drains2. Be cautious when using liquid drain cleaners
3. Be mindful of what goes down the drain3. Seek professional help

Know What You Should Never Put Down the Drain

When it comes to maintaining your drains and preventing clogs, knowing what should never be put down the drain is crucial. By avoiding certain items, you can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your drains and plumbing system. Here are some substances and objects that should never find their way into your drains:

  1. Liquid fats, oils, and grease: Pouring liquid fats, oils, and grease down the drain may seem convenient, but it can lead to serious clogs. These substances can solidify and accumulate over time, blocking the flow of water and causing backups. Instead, let these fats and oils cool and dispose of them in the trash.
  2. Eggshells: While it might seem harmless, eggshells can actually cause blockages in your drains. The membranes inside the shells can cling to the pipes and accumulate other debris, resulting in clogs. It’s best to dispose of eggshells in the trash or use them for composting.
  3. Coffee grounds: Many coffee lovers are guilty of rinsing coffee grounds down the sink, but this practice can lead to clogs. The grounds can accumulate and create a dense mass that restricts water flow. Instead, dispose of coffee grounds in the trash or use them for gardening purposes.
  4. Unused medications: Flushing unused or expired medications down the drain is not only harmful to the environment but can also cause disruptions in the water treatment process. Many medications contain chemicals that can contaminate water sources. Check with your local pharmacy or healthcare provider for proper disposal methods.


Proper drain maintenance is essential for preventing clogs and ensuring optimal plumbing performance. By implementing these pro tips and being mindful of what goes down your drains, you can effectively keep your drains clear and avoid costly plumbing issues.

Regularly placing drain guards in your showers and sinks will help prevent hair and debris from causing clogs. Be cautious about what you put down the kitchen sink, as certain substances like grease and coffee grounds can lead to blockages. Remember to only flush “flushable” items down the toilet to prevent toilet clogs.

Flushing your drains with a mixture of hot water and vinegar on a regular basis can dissolve buildup and maintain clear drains. However, for a more thorough cleaning, it’s recommended to seek professional help from a trusted plumbing service like Local Plumbers 4 U every few years to ensure that your drains are completely clear and functioning optimally.

By following these plumbing tips and taking proactive measures to maintain your drains, you can avoid the hassle and expense of dealing with clogs and other plumbing issues. Remember, if you encounter persistent clogs or more complex plumbing problems, it’s best to seek professional help to ensure that the issue is resolved correctly and efficiently.


How can I prevent clogs in my drains?

Consider placing drain guards in your showers and sinks to catch hair and other items. Be careful about what goes down your kitchen sink, avoiding semi-solid oils like bacon grease and coffee grounds. Only flush items that are labeled as “flushable” in your toilet.

How can I flush my drains regularly to keep them clear?

Mix 1-2 cups of white vinegar with hot water and pour it down your drains to dissolve any buildup. This can prevent clogs and keep your drains clean.

Is professional drain cleaning necessary?

While regular maintenance can help prevent clogs, it’s important to have your drains professionally cleaned every few years. Professional drain cleaning ensures there are no clog-ready materials or scale buildup in your drains, optimizing their performance.

What can I do to prevent and clear a clog?

To prevent a clog, avoid putting grease or oil down your kitchen drain, install strainers on all drains to catch hair, and be mindful of what goes down the drain. In case of a clog, start by plunging the drain and be cautious when using liquid drain cleaners. If the clog persists, it’s best to seek professional help.

What should never be put down the drain?

Avoid putting liquid fats, oils, and grease down the drain, as they can solidify and cause clogs. Additionally, items like eggshells, coffee grounds, and unused medications should not be disposed of in the drain. Being mindful of what goes down the drain can prevent clogs and maintain good drain health.

Why is proper drain maintenance important?

Proper drain maintenance is crucial for preventing clogs and maintaining good plumbing performance. By following pro tips and being mindful of what goes down your drains, you can keep your drains clear and avoid serious plumbing issues. If you encounter persistent clogs, seek professional help from a trusted plumbing service like Local Plumbers 4 U.

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